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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 24, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's the perfect time to watch the best videos of the day "right this minute." >> a man on a rant inside an er suddenly pulls two handguns out of his waistband. >> see how an officer with one gun wins the duel. a guy spots something in the road after a storm. >> and look what this is. >> where the kitten who survived a typhoon has landed now. when you see this happening to your car, you know -- >> you're going to have to come up with some cash for some new
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tires. >> the story behind the great rims repo. and a couple records a magical experience until -- >> the deer sees something. >> my gosh. >> find out what was lurking in the bushes. >> look at his eyes. his eyes are like -- a desperate emergency inside an emergency room at the cash valley hospital in north logan, utah. watch this man walk into the lobby of the emergency room. he approaches the counter and immediately demands to see a doctor. but those demands were quite threatening so a security officer nearby confronted him. that's when 34-year-old jason bird steps back and pulls two handguns out of his waistband. >> what? at an emergency room? >> yep. reports say that he said someone is going to die today. check out what's going on behind this door here. you see the receptionist immediately leave her post and then you see the security guard arrive. his gun is drawn as well.
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>> oh, my gosh. this is horrifying. the emergency room is where you go for help. you don't expect someone with guns to come in. >> back to the lobby camera. there were two adult probation and parole agents nearby tending to an inmate that was being treated at the hospital. they heard what was going on and that's when agent clint lund walked in and confronts him. >> [ bleep ]. >> four shots are fired. three shots hit jason burke and back to that other camera, the security guard who was behind that wall -- watch the wall. one of those shots went through the wall nearly hitting that guy. >> they get him under control and start to calm him down. reports also say that he asked the officers to shoot him.
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he didn't want to live through this. soon after you see the hospital staff now jump in. they have to take care of this guy. you see the gurney brought out and jason was treated at cash valley hospital for three weeks recovering from his injuries. he was shot in the left arm, right side of his groin and left side of his chest. i'm glad that nobody else there in that building got hurt especially that receptionist. he's facing three counts of d d assault with a deadly weapon. agent quint lund was justified in this shooting. typhoon matmo made landfall an the eastern coast of taiwan on july 23rd bringing heavy rain, high winds to the island. lots of videos popping up online. this video will break your heart, but it has a happy understand i ending. a guy is walking across a drenched road and comes across something in the middle of the
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road. look what this is. >> looked like trash. >> and it's amazing that no one had run over this and look at him. he's almost lifeless. he's drenched. >> oh, my god. let's dry you off. >> this kitten is like seconds from death. did not look good. >> this man takes the kitten to a place called the sanctuary. i want you to see this little kitten now. the kitten now has a name. matmo, after the actual typhoon. >> just call him matt for short. >> here's little mattie now. >> he's about to have some breakfast. but he's really doing well. >> that was a little kitten. was it old enough to be away from mom. looks way better already. >> probably just like getting in that guy's car probably felt so good. >> to get out of the rain and heavy winds. >> here he is playing with a little ball and eat something
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yummy food. we know that matmo is well taken care of. just needs to be adopted. ♪ a toronto driver caught something on dash cam video and turned it over to city news because he thought that the people who run the bus system up there should know what was going on. now you see two buses here from the toronto transit commission or the ttc. you see one on the left and one on the right. i want you to pay attention to the lights up ahead. the lights have turned yellow. that bus on the left doesn't slow down. it goes through that yellow light but notice the bus on the right. it keeps going. the light turns red but notice it swerves because -- there was a pedestrian walking in the crosswalk. she narrowly missed being hit by that bus because the bus driver actually saw her. >> it looked like in bus slowed down and then sped up, right? looked like it was going to stop and then, ah, i can make it.
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>> these can't stop on a dime. it appears to slow down but it did go through a red light. and it nearly hit that woman. that video was turned over to the ttc. the investigation is ongoing, but not only are they investigating the bus driver on the right. they are also going to talk to the bus driver that was on the left of that went through that yellow light. so both of these guys are getting a talking to. it does not take a detective to learn or think or suspect that right off the bat this looks like some bad stuff going on here, right? guy's got some nice rims on that ride and these dudes are popping them off. looks like a theft. but guess what? no, no, no. they are taking the rims because the gentleman who owns the car was late on his payments. also it's like a wheel repossession? >> it's like a wheel repossession. these guys work for r & r custom
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wheels out of baton rouge, louisiana. they are there to collect. taking the wheels off and the tires because you can just take the rims. leaving them an cinderblocks. and the funny thing is the guys who are taking this video know the guy whose car it is. these guys were on their lunch break so they start filming this repossession. listen to what this one guy says. i cannot say it better. >> ain't no joke if you don't pay that note. >> can you imagine that feeling? you come out to your car and it is sitting there on cinderblocks. >> we did reach out to the specific r & r custom wheels and performance tires. the guy did know this was coming but still was probably a surprise when it looked like this. oh, my goodness. you only have one spare. how are you going to get home? they are loading up all four tires into the truck. they are like, how much are they? >> how much you want for them?
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huh? >> a nanny cam captures a young boy in distress. >> this is the boy's private tutor that was just hired days before. >> why her horrific acts go beyond the hits. and there's a go-pro on the ground. so -- >> this fox decided i'm going to take it and run away with it. >> no, no. >> the extreme close-up of this sly feat.
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a video for you guys that's creating outrage in india. this is from a home in calcutta. you immediately see a young boy, a 4-year-old in fact, in distress. look at that. that woman slamming that boy down while he's pleading with her to stop. this is the boy's private tutor that was just hired days before by the parents. you see her slapping him, jerking him back and forth. >> this makes me so mad. i don't understand how people can be so cruel and evil. especially with a child that can't defend himself. >> the parents of this little boy had just recently installed this nanny cam but they didn't install the camera suspecting anything of this tutor. they installed it for a nanny they hired for their younger child and captured this moment on camera. they were heartbroken and livid.
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this woman legged for them to not press charges with police. her husband then came to the house and threatened the family, which then forced them to file a complaint with police and to press charges with police. now police in india are looking for this woman. >> your mind immediately goes to how many other kids could she have abused, too, especially knowing she's in a position to tutor children. that's the scary part, too. >> this video comes out at a time of national outrage. people in india are concerned about the safety of schoolchildren because this isn't the only incident that was captured on camera. in other video earlier in the month you see a man abusing a small child and, according to reports, that child was visually impaired. >> oh, my god. i don't understand this. >> what a scumbag. the suspect in this robbery, a fox. we got this video from juken. the director was shooting
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something in round island, alaska, a remote area. there were about 30 foxes around. he decided to put a go-pro camera on the ground just to get some closer shots of the fox. the fox decided, i'm going to take it and run away with it. >> no, no. >> then it started to treat it as a chew toy. >> we got to see a really great shot of the inside of that fox's mouth. >> i feel like i'm amateur fox -- >> you see a lot of teeth in this one and a lot of teeth did quite a bit of damage. jonathan says that the lens is messed up and needs to have it repaired. we get to see a picture of the go-pro after it was discovered. this is what it looks like. >> that fox did some damage. >> then there's this little guy. >> is that a deer? >> there is a deer. >> somebody was on his porch in new york. he had his camera out and the deer just started to walk up to him. and this deer comes up and then watch what the deer does. it licks the camera. he's like, i'm ready for my close-up. >> deer got a side shot.
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got all angles there. >> but then it did walk away. >> i think the deer justi knows how pretty he is. >> this animal stealing, too. stealing a drink. >> sprite. >> it is missing a foot. >> i did not see that. >> we're amused by the sprite licking. what does it look like it's sitting on? >> a baby carriage. >> no, this video gets more fun. that's a dog carriage. the dog is not even paying attention. some guard dog. you can never be too careful when you're on a road on a motorcycle. and in this first video you see this rider on his motorcycle. and up ahead you see a cyclist. well, look what that cyclist does right in front of this motorcycle. >> oh, no! >> why? >> decides to turn right in front of this motorcycle. the rider fortunately manages to
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swerve just enough making this a very fortunate near miss. >> he's not even looking. he never even looked to see if anything is coming. how do you not hear the motorcycle? >> take a quick look. now check this other incident. this is in vietnam. the girl riding this motorcycle just bought it. and it sounds like she's been riding motorcycles as long as she's owned it. watch this. >> oh, boy! >> yep, she ends up accelerating. against the wall and crashes into this other person sitting on the chair. fortunately no one was injured. if i was the lady that was sitting on the chair, a little freaked out. but everyone was okay. maybe go back to motorcycle 101. >> i'm good. i'm good. >> comes over and turns it off to make sure she doesn't go plowing through the other table full of people. >> might want to walk your bike
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home. their megaphone doesn't work but a hidden speaker does. >> so -- >> my friend and i touch each other. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- there's something different about chewy. but -- >> that doesn't stop him from being a happy little guy. >> meet the loving foster family helping him along the way. >> we went and fell in love with him immediately and took him home. plus, a fail video -- >> that just keeps an giving. >> see why making the jump has two dudes down in the dumps. >> oh, ow. face planted right on that rock.
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closed captioning provided by -- did you all see me drift?
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>> stop, girl, stop. this is so fun. >> you are looking at 11 1/2 pounds of spunk and cuteness. his name chewy. he is being fostered by a family in bellevue, washington. if you notice, chewy has a remarkable resemblance to chewbacca. but look at chewy getting around because he's a special little guy. >> aw. >> chewy's back legs do not work. you can see that he's just pulling them along. but that doesn't stop him from being a happy little guy. >> can you pick up this one? that one? there we go. >> doesn't seem like he even knows there's something wrong with him. let's just say this makes him super fast but my favorite video from this family is them taking chewy for a walk.
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tell us about this spunky cute dog. we have his foster family joe and brit ponto via skype. tell us how you got chewy. he wasn't the first dog you thought you were going to take home. >> she's been interested in fostering animals for a while. we already fostered some cats. we were on the way to he humane society to pick up a puppy. they called us on the way and said that puppy had tested positive for parvo so wasn't available but they just received a transfer and it was this little guy. if we could come and get him, they were anxious to not have him have to spend a night in the shelter. we went and fell in love with him immediately. >> for your first foster dog, quite a challenge to take on. an animal with a disability like that. did you question that decision or good from the beginning? >> it takes just a few seconds to get him in his wheelchair.
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just do normal things with him. take him outside and make sure he goes to the bathroom and stuff like that. >> high five. >> i can imagine you are probably enamored by him. will it be hard once he finds a home to say good-bye to him? >> we'd be sad that he's going away, but we're happy because he would get adopted. >> you are so cute. >> time to laugh at people doing stupid things. this guy on his atv speeding towards the shallow end of the gene pool. >> what happened? >> he's going fast and the water is going to slow him down. so he goes right over the handlebars. not wearing a helmet and the guy holding the camera just cracks me up the most. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> not a very well hatched plan. these guys also uncertain their
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level of skill. that guy makes the solid jump. watch his buddy. >> oh, ow. face planted right on that rock. >> the guy trying to fish over here. nood not going good for him. >> they are scaring all the fish away. >> it gets better. we've got a good video that gets better. it keeps on giving. >> there's more? >> watch the first guy. he was so good, he's going to go jump back. >> oh, he slipped and his other buddy's wet drippings. >> his first good jump we completely forgot about it. now all we see is this. a deer is enjoying some food on the front porch. but then -- >> the deer sees something. >> the surprise guest that puts an end to snack time. >> oh, my gosh. it is coming and it is salivating.
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we love this kitchen! what's next? great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price.
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woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. >> i am, too.
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>> how not to leash train a cat. ♪ >> this is a lovely scene. this from our friends at juken video. cue a little sweet music. this woman here an her porch. south carolina. see this deer. so sweet. watch the deer's head go -- >> she's like nothing is over there. come back out, the deer is like, everything is cool again. the deer looks at something. they are like the deer sees something. watch the guy behind the camera. >> oh, my gosh. they start going inside. the guy saw it. the lady saw it. >> is it a crocodile?
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>> it's an alligator. >> this thing starts to come out and you are going to see this beast. >> oh, my gosh. it is coming and it is salivating for that deer. his eyes are like -- >> yes, look at this thing. >> oh, my gosh. coming out of the water you are thinking -- >> it's huge and this was on their sidewalk. >> oh, my gosh. it scared me, too. >> where is the deer? >> the deer took off. a bird nearby took off. everyone took off except the people. what a cool moment caught on camera. >> that's going to do it for us on "right this minute." thanks for joining us.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you love the best videos from the web, this is the show for you, "right this minute." a motor bike catches fire at a gas station. and -- >> it's about to get way worse. >> see the idiot move that creates an inferno. a driver seeks another driver did him wrong. >> so he came back to exact his revenge. >> the race car smash-up that's a real crowd pleaser. >> you have to walk your bike. >> i've never had to do that before. >> a bike rider gets a ticket for


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